
The newest ASSIST house, like many of our houses, was donated...
We're looking for property to offer emergency accommodation...
Former ASSIST volunteer Graham Birkin is remembered in an obituary in the Guardian...
It’s been a couple of months since we’ve updated everyone on work at ASSIST so we thought it was about time.
With your support, in June we continued to work to keep our clients safe during the pandemic...
Over the past three months I have been continuing in my volunteering role as an interpreter...
In another busy month in lockdown we accommodated 41 people, made more than 200 welfare checks...
In April ASSIST accommodated 37 people, made more than 300 welfare phone calls, gave welfare payments to 81 people ...
Normal life seems a world away, but we continue to support destitute asylum seekers at ASSIST, find out how it's going.
Everyone can support asylum seekers, help us challenge asylum destitution now.