About us


Here at ASSIST Sheffield we support some of the most marginalised people living in Sheffield - people who have been unsuccessful in their applications for asylum and as a result have been made destitute. Many of them have escaped the unimaginable horrors of war, violence and persecution, but simply telling the truth about the conditions they have fled sadly isn't always enough.

Without refugee status, people seeking sanctuary are not allowed to work. Once their initial application for asylum has been turned down many are left with no right to housing, benefits or other vital support. They're left homeless, destitute and vulnerable on the streets of our city.

This is where we come in. ASSIST is an invaluable lifeline for people in Sheffield who've been refused asylum. We offer solidarity, support and hope in the form of accommodation, information and access to essential services. For more information go to What we do.

A local charity

ASSIST is proud to be a local charity, firmly rooted in the Sheffield area. We have a large and generous community of donors, volunteers and fundraisers. A community that shares both outrage and hope; outrage at a failing system which leaves people who have been refused asylum in the UK destitute, and hope that we can help support positive changes in their lives.

Since 2003, our small organisation has achieved so much and done our city proud. Every week we’re a supportive friend to around 90 people who are seeking sanctuary. The demand for our services grows bigger by the day and we’re always looking for more people to get involved and join our community.

Our vision and mission

Our vision is for all people seeking sanctuary in Sheffield to live life with dignity and hope for the future. Our mission is to enable people seeking asylum with no recourse to public funds to build resilience against the effects of destitution and to make informed decisions about their future. We challenge the policy of destitution.

Our core values

Respect: We respect and value the intrinsic dignity and worth of all individuals and celebrate diversity.  We are committed to equality and creating a culture of inclusion and belonging.

Empowerment: We recognise that our clients are resilient individuals who have agency and the right to personal autonomy. ASSIST will commit to include clients in decision making wherever possible. We will support clients to take ownership of their lives and thrive. 

Social Justice: Our work and campaigns are based on a deeply held belief in challenging social injustice, specifically the aspects of the asylum system that are inhumane.  Where appropriate, ASSIST will participate in a wider movement to bring about social change, challenging racism and oppression.

Partnership: We seek diverse perspectives and strive to include the breadth of ideas, experience and skills of all clients, staff and volunteers. Where appropriate, we will collaborate and form strategic partnerships with other voluntary and statutory agencies. 

Empathy: We recognise the humanity in every person we interact with and treat people with compassion and kindness. 

Competency: Informed by continuous learning and self-reflection, we aim for excellence and integrity in all our activities.

Transparency: We are dedicated to and encourage transparency and openness in every aspect of our work.

Our anti-racism statement

Download our anti-racism statement outlining our commitment to tackling structural and systemic racism, internally and externally.

Download our 2022 Update to the anti-racism statement. This update charts the progress which ASSIST has made since the original publication of our Anti Racist Statement in August 2021.

In June 2022 Sheffield City Council published the Sheffield Race Equality Commission (SREC) Report [An Independent Commission into Racism and Racial Disparities in Sheffield],  Next year we plan to analyse ASSIST's progress against the recommendations in this Report.

Our funding

We’re completely reliant on grants, fundraising, donations and voluntary effort from people like you. To find out more about how you can support ASSIST why not take a look at the How you can help section of this website. Do contact us if you'd like to chat about how you can help.

Our strategy

In November 2020 we published the ASSIST Strategy 2021 - 2024 in order to refocus priorities to better meet the needs of clients over the following 3 years. Download ASSIST Strategy 2021 - 2024.

You can see our latest strategy update, here: Download ASSIST Strategy Update June 2023 - June 2024.

Our latest Annual Review

For information on our recent activities take a look at our latest Annual Review: Download ASSIST's Annual Review 2023-24.

Our latest Annual Accounts and Trustee Annual Report.

As well as being on the Charity Commission website, you can find our latest Annual Accounts and Trustee Annual Report, here: Download ASSIST Sheffield Annual Report 2022-23.

The minutes of our latest AGM.

If you want to see the minutes from our 2021-22 AGM you can find those here: Download ASSIST Sheffield AGM Minutes 2021-22.