Statement on Rwanda Act Developments


ASSIST Sheffield has become aware of new changes in Home Office guidance which now make our clients vulnerable to removal to Rwanda. ASSIST vigorously opposes this inhumane and callous policy, which is causing national division and is designed to frighten and intimidate people seeking sanctuary in the UK.

Last year, half of the 34 clients leaving ASSIST support submitted Fresh Claims for asylum. Many of these will be granted. ASSIST also supported a further 4 people who obtained Leave to Remain. This shows people now targeted by this policy have genuine fears for their safety.

Although we understand the risk to individuals of being removed to Rwanda is low, with legal battles challenging the legality of the Rwanda Act being fought and won, the risk of being detained is very real. We are already aware of someone in our community being detained yesterday, and others being forced to report more frequently with the Home Office.

ASSIST opposes the barbaric practice of immigration detention and supports These Walls Must Fall

We will be working to offer practical solidarity to all ASSIST clients in the coming weeks.

How can you help?

  • ASSIST provides practical solidarity in the form of money, accommodation and casework to people who have been refused asylum. Our cash payments are funded by donations. You can give to us here.
  • Join the team. We are looking for volunteers with skills and experience who can help develop our vital work. Find out more here.
  • For more resources, and actions you can take, see this update from Right to Remain.