Our newest house

Our newest house

The newest ASSIST house, like many of the houses at ASSIST, was donated. This particular house was purchased from the vendors and originally housed asylum seekers with the Open Hands Project. It has now been leased to ASSIST for 10 years. Through this lease and the community vendors, there is consistency on how the house is used to benefit the community.

As many supporters may already know, the requirements for the house include four bedrooms, kitchen, lounge and ideally two bathrooms or toilets. Tom and the rest of the maintenance team try to improve the energy saving features and install as much insulation as possible. With the help of Nick Parsons and Luke Cooper offering their services at reduced rates for ASSIST, insulation and the bathroom and kitchen have been installed in the new house. The house is relatively new, so the different challenges included a number of leaks, meaning the floor had to be replaced in some areas.

Once renovations are complete, donated furniture and appliances are brought into the house. Volunteers from a Quaker Voluntary Action group alongside ASSIST ‘In house’ volunteers helped to install appliances such as showers and decorate. Everyone at ASSIST is very grateful for the time and work these volunteers and the housing and maintenance team do for the houses.

With the renovations coming to an end, the target to move new clients in September is approaching; offering the opportunity to make a difference for several people to live in a pleasant house with a garden within the diverse local community!